10 weeks 6 days scan was absolutely beautiful.. I heard their little heartbeat beating amazingly! They were so wriggly and then lying back with their legs crossed just chilling 😂 I'm so glad everything is ok! They said I haven't been the only one feeling so worried and paranoid, she thinks it's this whole situation is just piling on the worry. My husband and I were so happy to see you little one.. I'm waiting for the email of the pictures as due to covid they weren't printing any. Funnily enough I saw my hairdresser in the waiting room as shes pregnant too 😂 I feel 100% reassured everything is ok and so glad my husband could see this scan as he won't be able to come in for the NHS 12 week scan.. just over a week to go until I can share it with the world 💜 #pcos #earlypregnancy #10weeks6days