#TrueStory. Once upon a time, in 2014 there was a young man that ran into some hard times. He lost his job, car eventually broke down, and home. He humbled himself, and moved in with his brother's family and reevaluated his life. Most people would've just thrown in the towel, but he choose to use his free time to volunteer at the #LaFeyettePark summer program in #FortLauderdale, #Florida. Deep down he knew God was up to something, and he had to be stripped of worldly possessions and distractions it was time to rewrite his future. He was introduced by a friend Maud King to Ms. Shirley Meritt, Park Supervisor, that most of the forty-plus students (grade levels ranged from 4th to 12th grade) had a #juvenilerecord, low reading levels, abused in some way, and grades were poor - "at-risk students." To him this was a perfect opportunity to implement a chess program that he designed to help #blackstudents learn to be proactive, conceptual, abstract, and #technicalthinkers instead of reactionary (emotional) thinkers; they had to learn to take control of their lives. This was the mission that God wanted him to complete - to teach them to contend for the life they wanted. The C2B #ChessClub & #MentoringProgram would later gave birth to his non-profit organization #501c3, #CourageToBelieveInternational, and the oppuruntity to have the program at other parks and libraries in #BrowardCounty, #CollierCityLibrary in Pompano Beach and at #FIU @fiuinstagram. He ultimately wanted them to know that they could and must create their future, and not their toxic environment or judges. . . . The area (#Sistrunk) was and still is infamous for drugs, #prostitution, #robberies, #sexualassaults/#rapes, #earlypregnancy, #homicides 🆘 - you name it. Same type of #toxicenvironment ☠️that he grew up in but found a way out. At the time his car broke down so to get there he caught buses, and trains. He had to do this routine three times a week for two months in the mornings, while... Read full story: www.kevindorival.com - link in bio . . . #LifeSkills #ChessNotCheckers #BlackOnBlackCrime #BlackOnblackCrimeSolutions #CourageToBelieve #KingKevinDorival #blackauthors #tbt