💙💙 Hit double digits today and the 1/4 way mark!! It's the size of a prune (which I did not have to hand to photograph lol). The last few weeks have been rough. Sick to my stomach at all times of the day and so exhausted I can't get my butt off the couch (much to the dog's annoyance). I am hoping this will pass when I get into the second trimester. I always wanted to be one of these radiant pregnant ladies.... Instead I look like a zombie every day. I had my NIPT blood test today so will find out those results in 10 days or so.💙💙 #singlemamajourney #singleparentbychoice #singlemumadventures #singlemombychoice #singlemumbychoice #ittakesavillage #myvillageisamazing #smbc #smc #IUI #fertilityjourney #pregnant #earlypregnancy #iuisuccess #doingthissolo #novemberbaby #allthetimesickness #harmonynipt