Forgive my first post. It’s a pretty sad toe in the door of a wonderful community that I have watched from the sidelines for such a long time. It took us so long to finally get pregnant, so long. I couldn’t believe it was really happening. Now, here I am 8w and 1d....counting down the days for a repeat scan to possibly find out that this dream is over before it ever really got started. Then I got a call from work to say I was being temporarily laid off. Many of my colleagues are staying.....but I wasn’t considered critical to business continuity. Yet, I’ve been overwhelmed with emails this week (my last week) telling me all the things I have to urgently do before I finish up on Friday. My boss is acting like I’m going on holiday....I can’t stop crying....not coping #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #threatenedmiscarriage #earlypregnancy #laidoff #covid19