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We are committed to providing quality pregnancy care during these unprecedented times. . All available extra safety measures are employed at all times for the dedicated team and our service users. . We fully support the Government’s efforts to protect our NHS and save lives. The health and well-being of our service users and our colleagues is our top priority, we are taking all measures possible to help keep you well during this unprecedented time. . The kindness and support we show each other will get us through this. Work safe, Keep safe and Save the NHS! . #pregnancy #norwichultrasound #norwichbabyscan #babyscan #babyscanning #ultrasound #babyultrasound #earlypregnancy #fertilityscan #babybondingscan #genderrevealscan #genderreveal #babygrowthscan #presentationscan #earlypregnancyscan ⁠#norwich⁠ #coronavirus #covid19 #nhs