8 weeks and 4 days taken in the pm. It's really starting to pop. These pants hide it a little though This week I have still had massive 24/7 nausea some days it floors me. Exhaustion is right up there. Nothing I try seems to help. Can't stand ginger the zinc and B6 from the naturopath seem to make it worse. The only good things about COVID 19 cutting my job is the fact I don't know I could have worked anyway. It's tough. I have my boys home now and we are homeschooling. They are loving the idea but I know it will wear thin soon. Nothing much new from this week to the last. Still deciding if we should do the NIPT or not. What's your thoughts? Time is going by fast. I should have had some blood work done last week to check my electrolytes but I keep forgetting cause I've been so unwell and trying not to leave the house. I need to book in my scans too. Still not sure if they're allowing partners to attend or not. 🤞 Really hoping so! How's your week? . . . #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #firsttrimester #duenovember2020 #bumpdate #8weekspregnant #happyandhealthy