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Here is our latest update on Covid-19: . In healthcare we have been classified as Key Workers and essential to support the health services of the UK; as such we are still able to travel to and from our essential work. We are here to support our clients. . We will act in the best interests of the health of the people we serve, with top priority being the protection of life. We encourage you to use your discretion and act in the best way you see fit. . We are working to provide relief to hospitals wherever possible. You are our primary concern and we will do whatever we can to help in these difficult times. . Please note, it is vitally important that you attend any appointment with a maximum of one guest. . Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch using the contact form on our website, via phone, email, Instagram or Facebook 📲 . #pregnancy #norwichultrasound #norwichbabyscan #babyscan #babyscanning #ultrasound #babyultrasound #earlypregnancy #fertilityscan #babybondingscan #genderrevealscan #genderreveal #babygrowthscan #presentationscan #earlypregnancyscan ⁠#norwich⁠ #coronavirus #covid19