To the ladies who are in the early stages of your pregnancies, I know you waited months or years for this moment and are dealing with mixed feelings at best. It's okay not to know how to feel, or to have those feelings change over time. Please be gentle with yourself as your coping strategies may change as your feelings do. And remember, the strength and tenacity you used to get here will be part of the plan for moving forward. I am sending lots of soothing energy your way! 💗 . . . . . . . #infertility #ivf #embryotransfer #fertilitysupport #earlypregnancy #pregnancy #pregnancytest #fertilitytreatments #infertilitywarrior #ivfjourney #ttcsupport #ttc #ttctribe #infertilitycommunity #psychotherapy #psychotherapist #blackfemaletherapist #fertilitycoach #wereallinthistogether