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Finally had my 12 week scan and everything looked fine 😅. Baby was so active the sonographer struggled to get a clear photo 😂. Feeling so lucky to be at this stage! With the crazy times we’re having with Coronavirus I’ve had to distance myself social as being #pregnant I am classed as high risk. With that in mind I’ve stopped going to the #gym and switched to #homeworkouts and long walks instead. I’ve ordered some #weights from @fitnesssuperstore and eagerly waiting for them to arrive. How’s everyone else’s #pregnancy going? Feeling #happy and #healthy? Officially 13 weeks today and baby is the size of a jalapeño pepper 🌶. Would love to see everyone’s #bumppictures #earlypregnancy #fitnessandpregnancy #13weekstoday #babyontheway #bbg #homeworkout #coronavirus #selfisolation #stayingpositive #baby #pregnant #fitness #fitnessgirl