Woke up this morning to some light spotting and after yesterday's cramping I feared the worst. In my successful pregnancies I've never had any bleeding. And my two miscarriages bleeding was the first sign. I went to pieces.. I had a slip to get blood work done today and my ultrasound booked for Monday. I didn't know what to do from here. Knowing my doctor could not advise me on anything I didn't already know. I considered going to emergency to get a scan to check for ectopic. I rang radiology on the off chance I could get my appointment brought forward earlier. My prayers truly answered when they told me to be there in an hour. And there was the first glimpse of our baby with a heart beat of 116bpm tears of relief and joy flowed! Showing spot on for dates here is our baby! Due November 2020 ❤️ so much love . . #duenovember2020 #earlypregnancy #6weekultrasound #firsttrimester #6weekspregnant #pregnant #mumover35