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Finding out you’re pregnant. Hold up! Shit! Holy moly shitballs! What in the name of god. *Holds up to the light* Hell yeah.... Oh no. What will my partner say!? Yay!! Wait.. how the hell am I going to tell my Dad!? *holds head in hands* Best thing ever! No. What. Wait. Im not ready!! *slaps forehead with hand* It will be..*screams breathe woman breathe* OMG.. and how am I going to afford this *looks at the £1.05 left in the bank account* Is there even two lines!?!? *looks really closely* Let me wait 5 minutes. *paces up and down for 2 seconds feeling sick* Im gonna check it later. No. *picks up the tests and stares at it* I can’t wait and WOW. 2 lines. I only tested as a precaution. *stands with face of shock* HOW. 2 MOTHERFREAKING LINES. *checks packet for results section for the 189937th time* I’m gonna get another 5 tests, I need to be sure. *drinks 3L of water in 5 minutes* It’s official. PREGNANT!!! BOOM. *fistpumps in the air and orders Alexa to play Kelly Clarkson on volume 10* Oh my god..... and the journey begins. Did anybody else have this exact reaction? TELL ME I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE.. 🥴👶🏻🙏🏼 #pregnancyjourney #earlypregnancy #firsttimemum #firsttimemom #pregnant #firstborn #startingafamily #womenofimpact #womenoftoday #numberonebaby #baby #newborn #mumtobe #love #birth #familyplanning