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The joy it is to see these lines again! I am blessed with two wonderful children they're 8 and almost 11. Though over the years there were often some painful times where it hurt not knowing of I would ever have another one. Maybe a girl.. it didn't really matter. Then finally I met an amazing man and we fell pregnant only to lose it at Christmas. I have had a miscarriage once before between my two children and I found this one much harder. And now a few months later we have been blessed again. I am 5 weeks today and feeling very confident we have a healthy baby. Time is dragging along quite slowly as we found out at 3 weeks which is super super early! HCG levels are much higher this time and I am booked in for a scan at 6w3d. I'd love for you to join me in my journey Happy 5 weeks! . . . #5weekspregnant #firsttrimester #earlypregnancy #postivehpt #9dpo #10Dpo