Does anything beat seeing that first scan? You think you’ll relax once you get those lines. You then think you’ll relax once you see the scan. The truth is, you never relax when kids are involved - am I right?? • • The constant worry of whether you’re eating healthily enough, making sure you don’t lift anything heavy. Making sure you don’t overdo it. Trying to relax, but feeling guilty when you do. Constantly Googling EVERY.LITTLE.SYMPTOM. • • What tips do you have for getting through this time? #babynumber2 #number2ontheway #siblingontheway #babyfever #pregnancytest #pregnancyjourney #fertilityjourney #pregnantbelly #familyoffour #youngersibling #earlypregnancy #earlypregnancysymptoms #pregnancytest #positivepregnancytest #babyscan #earlypregnancyscan #babyscans