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Still taking pregnancy tests due to anxiety and worrying this is all a dream but I think I’m finally realising it’s not... this could be it! I could finally be becoming a mummy and I can’t explain the rush of emotions I suddenly feel. I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m feeling grief to the babies I’ve lost. I’m feeling relief that this is finally happening. I feel so different this time round and I am confident too. This TTC Journey for me has been agony & it’s weird to think it’s finally happening #babymumma #mummytobe #4weeks5days #earlypregnancy #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #ttcsupport #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttctribe #ttcwarrior #ttcdiet #ttcinsta #instababy #instapregnancy #myturnnow #overthemoon