Happy 18 months baby girl 💕 • As you can see Amelia hates her photo being taken, this is the best I could get 😂 I couldn’t imagine life without you, you truly are a blessing. I’m going to cherish these last few weeks before your baby brother joins us and the crazy chaos begins. You will always be my baby girl even when you’re 18 years old 💜 . . . . . . . . . . #18monthsold #18months #18month #pregnant #2under2 #babyontheway #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #bumpwatch #candidchildhood #motherhoodrising #bump #motherhoodthroughig #mumswithcameras #ig_motherhood #littleandbrave #mynameismama #dailyparenting #newborn #parenthood #parenthood_moments #kidsforreal #littlefierceones #love #motherhoodmoments #mymotherhood #mymotherhoodjourney #mumoftwo #pigeonpair #fertility