The first and only time I ever went to Hawaii was in February 2017. I was 13 weeks pregnant and my husband had stayed behind in Toronto to work. I was entering my second trimester of pregnancy and spending quiet days alone with my baby growing inside of me. I woke up each morning at 4 and listened to crashing waves as I waited for the sun to rise. I was asleep by 8:30 each night, and never did adjust to the time change. I ate many delicious things like papaya and lemon ricotta pancakes; I drank so much (decaf) Kona coffee. I was only on the Big Island for a week. . . . My daughter is going to be 30 months in a couple of weeks and she and I are returning to the Big Island together, again. I’m excited to make and share more memories. And of course, do some #yoga and #jogging on the beach! . . . #hawaii #bigisland #earlypregnancy #motherhood #memories #beachyoga #jordan #jumpman #nike #nikewoman #underarmour #flashbackfriday #fbf