A HUMAN OVEN The amount of blood in a pregnant woman’s body increases by 40 to 45% during her pregnancy, creating cardiovascular changes and increasing blood flow to various organs. . This extra blood flow boosts body metabolism by about 20%, creating more body heat and making pregnant women feel a lot warmer than others. . A pregnant woman’s core body temperature will often rise to about 37.8°C, when it is normally 37°C. . It’s extremely important to try and stay cool and hydrated especially in the warmer months to avoid premature labour. . We recommend drinking your MaterniTea trimester tea blends chilled, made into delicious iceblocks or made into ice and crushed in the blender to make a slushy. . This way your protecting your baby, getting all the amazing benefits of MaterniTea and enjoy a bit of reprieve from the heat. . www.maternitea.com . . . #maternitea #pregnancy #pregnancytea #earlypregnancy #trimester1 #trimester2 #trimester3 #pregnantbody #summerbump #pregnantheatwave #heatwave #pregnantinsummer #bump #summerbaby #keepingcool #maternity #pregnancyhealth #healthypregnancy #pregnantandhappy #pregnantandworkingout #pregnancyannouncement #morningsickness #babykicks #pregnancyboobs