Early Pregnancy Signs: If you're waiting on your period and think there's a chance you could be pregnant, how do you know your suspicions could be true? How early will you feel the signs? This depends for each woman. Some women feel symptoms from as early as 4 weeks, some don't notice anything until they're way past their missed period. Here are 3 to look out for: 1) Frequent urination If you've noticed you have the need to go to the toilet more often, this could be a sign. Why does this happen, though? This is down to the hormone called hCG which increases the blood flow in your pelvic area. That amounts to some possibly awesome sex, but frequent trips to the ladies room. 2) Fatigue This is probably the most frequent of symptoms as the first trimester of pregnancy takes it's toll on your body. Your body is working hard to develop your baby's nervous system and to get all the organs working - like the heart, typically starting to beat at 6 weeks. So if you're feeling more wiped out than usual, this could be why. (I also have a post all about surviving pregnancy fatigue on the blog) 3) Tender breasts Similar to the time around your period, your breasts will become a little swollen and tender to the touch during pregnancy. This is due to the role of progesterone, which among other things,inhibits the breasts from lactating until after birth. There are 6 more symptoms listed on the blog post and mamas get real on how they just KNEW when it was their time! Link in bio, under latest posts, category 'pregnancy'. #pregnantlife #pregnant #motherhood #pregnancy #pregnancytips #pregnancyandbeyond #firsttrimester #earlypregnancy #momlife #momblogger #parenthoodjourney #bloggermom