
No sharing last months degusta goodies . . Zach absolutely loved lots of the goodies in Decembers @degustabox_uk box especial these @candykittens sweets. Swipe right to see all the goodies we got. I've loved drinking the @oteas_ tea every morning and the granola bars have really helped me during the early pregnancy nausea. . . We love our degusta box every month. . . #gifted #degusta #degustauk #newfood #sweets #nosharing #stealingmummysfood #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #earlypregnancysymptoms #nausea #snacks #trynewthings #foodie #mumblog #mummyblogger #motherhood #parenthood #dailyparenting #thismorning #lifeofamum #12weekspregnant #subscriptionboxes #xcsparentsx