✏️First Trimester Checklist 📝✅ . . ☑️Note down the date of your last menstrual cycle ☑️Contact your GP or self-refer online ☑️Check your BMI – your GP may discuss taking a higher dose of folic acid ☑️Check medicines you are currently taking with your GP ☑️Make sure you receive your prescription exemption form (for free prescriptions) ☑️Check usual caffeine intake and adjust to lower than 200mg per day ☑️Start taking Vitamin D and folic acid ☑️Find out and make a note foods to avoid ☑️Go to booking appointment (should be between 8-12 weeks) ☑️Find out if you are eligible for ‘Healthy start’ ☑️Go to first ultrasound scan (should be between weeks 11 and 14) ☑️Have a check up at the dentist ☑️Fill out a mental well-being plan for during and after pregnancy ☑️Stop drinking alcohol ☑️If you’re a smoker, get help to stop ☑️Buy a maternity bra if you are experiencing sore breasts ☑️Stay active and aim for 30 mins a day, 4 times per week . . There’s lots more info about all these topics on our website (link in bio). . . Visit ⭐️tommys.org/email ⭐️📩to receive week by week emails from our midwives telling you all about how your baby is growing, what symptoms you may be having and all you need to do that week. . . #firsttrimester #trimester1 #pregnancy #pregnant #earlypregnancy #pregnancytest #expecting #parenthood #supportforparents #midwife