Join us as we share a week-by-week guide to pregnancy and go into detail about your baby's development during each week of gestation. Have a specific week or trimester you want to learn more about? You don't have to wait for us to share it here, visit our website for the full week-by-week calendar. [link in bio] . . #pregnantlife #expecting #babyontheway #preggers #HealthyPregnancy #healthybaby #prenatal #pregnancyupdates #weekbyweek #earlypregnancy #maternityleave #parentstobe #bunintheoven #pregnantandperfect #pregnancy #pregnancylife #pregnancyjourney #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #1monthpregnant #healthymomhealthybaby #healthymoms #strongmom #pregnant #maternity #babybump #motherhood