#EARLYPREGNANCY – this is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Some women experience this before a period but in early pregnancy the tenderness to the breasts are magnified 10 fold! Wearing your noraml bra can become uncomfortable, lying on your front can become impossible and hugging someone can be excruciating!!! This doesn’t last forever and tends to be the worst in early weeks. This is simply because your hormones level are surging through your body, working to support your pregnancy. You may also notice that your breats feel bigger. This is because the fat layer in your breasts thicken as you grow more milk ducts and this is for feeding your baby when born. HOW TO SURVIVE THIS: Avoid underwired bras at this stage – sports bras can work really well. If your breasts are noticably bigger – have a proper bra fitting to make sure you are wearing the right bra size A maternity cotton sleep bra may help when sleeping Warm baths can ease the pain if really sore. Just remember this doesn’t last forever. If you have any discharge, dimpling of breast tissue or non-painful lumps that don’t go away you should always see your GP. What tips do you have to survive breast tenderness? . #pregnancysymptoms #friday #1dayatatime #expertadvice #pregnancy #1sttrimester #surviving #1stsignsofpregnancy #family #startingafamily #midwifetips #breasttenderness #realitiesofmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhood #5weekspregnant #6weekspregnant #7weekspregnant #8weekspregnant #emmamillsprivatemidwife