For the past 2 weeks I have been so sick.... About 6 weeks ago the company I worked for did a huge lay off. I was only there for about 4 months and it was a great gig! I was disappointed to be apart of this lay off to say the least. I couldn’t understand the purpose. About 2 weeks after I was laid off, I found out that I was pregnant. (Laid off and pregnant... you can imagine the stress I felt) The first few weeks were fine but at around week 6 my “morning sickness” became “all day sickness”. The nausea, acid reflux, lack of energy has been so awful and unexpected and all I can say is Thank God I was laid off because I sure wouldn’t be able to go to work like this 🤢... moral of the story: God be knowing lol. #firsttrimesterblues #momtobe #mom2be #firsttrimester #pregnancy #earlypregnancy