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**Miscarriage ** . . . This is not my first and probably won't be my last, unfortunately for some of us it's just not our time, easier said than done, but honestly we will move on from this. It's been 5 days since I started to miscarry this time around and tbh I haven't struggled much at all(not saying it hasn't been hard) I just knew from experience what to expect. my first miscarriage started Dec 1st 2016 5 days of hell. My rainbow was born 1 year later Dec 1st 2017. That year was an emotional roller coaster but we got our rainbow after a pretty traumatic storm and now it seems we have been dealt the Same card. I'm hoping for an easy and straightforward conception and pregnancy next time around and I'm going to share our journey for anyone else needing advice and guidance. . . . #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedingmother #ttc #babynumbertwo #breastfeedingtoddler #toddler #mumtobe #babyontheway #tryingtoconceive #familylife #rainbowbaby #miscarriage #lifeafterloss #oviafertility #earlypregnancy