Kan? Pelik juga kenapa depa panggil morning sickness 🤔 Repost @midwifemarley • • • • • • M O R N I N G S I C K N E S S . Or anytime sickness as I like to call it! It's not nice at all for those who have suffered from it. Some women get it mild, some get it severe and some will be fortunate enough to escape it all together. Some women will find it goes away by the first trimester and some wil suffer throughout pregnancy. One big factor is hormones, specifically the hcg levels - the higher they are, the more likely you will suffer with the dreaded nausea. Alleviating it is a personal thing. For some women nothing works and they find themselves asking the doctor fo medication to help. For others doing simple things like eating small meals often, avoiing strong smells, avoiding fatty/spicy foods and having a dry snack bedside to eat as soon as you wake might help. . Some women just feels nauseous and other will also vomit. . Severe morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum and causes women to vomit multiple times per day. This can cause dehydration quickly so if you find you're unable to keep fluids down, seek help from your care provider. . . #sick #childbirth #weeks #mama #parenting #parenthood #newmom #womenshealth #expecting #breastfeeding #earlypregnancy mommytobe #schwanger #pregnantlife #mother #firsttrimester #mumlife #prenatal #ttc #gestante #instagood #handmade #preggo #maternityfashion #hamil #gravidez #naturalbirth #thirdtrimester #embarazo #bump