Just tired . . So I havnt posted in a bit. Mainly as I've not had a lot to say. I've spent the last 3 days pretty much like this absolutely exhausted. Is it the early pregnancy? Is it depression biting me? Maybe both? . . I cant stand being like this but I also know that it wont last and at some point I'll feel ok although it seems never ending at the moment. . . I had my midwife booking appointment so now I just have to wait 3 more weeks for a scan. They are referring me back to the perinatal mental health team which I'm really pleased about as they were so helpful when i was pregnant with Roy and now i feel like I've had a step backwards i know they will be great support. . . So sorry not a cheery post but i wanted to be real. . . #reallife #depression #postnataldepression #perinataldepression #anxiety #ruok #itsoknottobeok #momlifebelike #momblogger #instamom #momtruth #motherhoodunplugged #momsofinstagram #dailyparenting #januaryblues #tired #tiredmum #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #firsttrimester #pregnancysymptoms #mentalhealth #maternalmentalhealth #9weekspregnant #impregnant #pregnancyjourney #thismorning