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#nipt screening is available at Baby Moments. NIPT- Non invasive prenatal testing - is conducted from #10weekspregnant. It is more than 99% accurate. Advantages of having NIPT vs the combined test (this is offered through the NHS), is that they test just the fetal DNA. This is why the results are much more accurate in #earlypregnancy. They can also identify #babiesgender from this early stage! With all NIPT bookings, we will also offer you FREE group B strep screening when you reach 35 weeks pregnant. If you would like any further information regarding NIPT or Strep B screening, please feel free to contact us. #pregnancyscreening #genderscan #pregnant NIPT screening is available at Baby Moments. #pregnancyscreening #growingbabies #genderscan #pregnant #baby #combinedtest #didcot #abingdon #wallingford #wantage #bicester #banbury #witney #henleyonthames #chippingnorton #swindon #reading #oxford #oxfordshire #berkshire #newbury #downsscreening #genetictesting