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A N D ​ S O ​ I T ​ B E G I N S . . . No sooner have you peed on that all important stick and you are suddenly thrust into a world of information leaflets, pregnancy websites, medical appointments and blood tests. ​ For some this flurry of activity marks an exciting time but for others it can be a little overwhelming. Here is a little breakdown of the blood tests you will be offered and why. Booking bloods: these are taken at your booking appointment - usually around 10 weeks of pregnancy. ​ 3 vials of blood will be taken and will screen for: HIV, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, your iron levels and your Rhesus Factor. Your Rhesus Factor will be positive or negative. ​ If it is positive, no further action is recommended. ​ If your blood group is Negative you will be advised to have an injection of Anti-D at 28 weeks of pregnancy. ​ This blood group can trigger your body to produce antibodies which could potentially attack any subsequent pregnancies. ​ Equally if you have any episodes of bleeding in the pregnancy additional doses will be given. Knowing if you are HIV positive or have hepatitis is also important as this will ensure that both you and your baby get the correct care and treatment. ​ Although your body produces extra blood during pregnancy it is important to know what your iron levels are to start with to ensure you do not become anaemic. ​ Your blood will be taken again at 28 weeks to see how these levels are. #pregnancytest #pregnancybloods #pregnancyscreening #havingababy #gettingyouready #midwifeadvice #antenatalclasses #antenatalcourses #pregnancy #pregnant #stopcensoringbirth #1sttimemumandda #lovebabies #pregnancyjournal #earlypregnancy #8weekspregnant #7weekspregnant #6weekspregnant ​#mothershape