We had our first scan, there was a heartbeat, but our little baby was measuring slightly smaller than we would have liked. I kept telling myself perhaps it implanted later and that’s why it is measuring small. We had another scan a week later there was still a heartbeat but unfortunately our baby hadn’t grown much only another 2mm, our baby was measuring 4mm instead of the 7 or 8 our Dr would have liked. We were told that this pregnancy would most likely end in miscarriage. I kept thinking but there is a heartbeat maybe it will grow and be stronger and survive this! . We continued our IVF medications as instructed, we had a family holiday booked with my parents brothers and sisters their kids so we went away living in limbo not knowing what is happening to our baby. This was extremely difficult, we told our family but not under the circumstances we originally dreamed this would be. We celebrated our anniversary together tried to keep our mind off negative thoughts and tried to remain positive. We just had to wait for our scan the following week . #ttccommunity #tryingtoconceive #infertilityjourney #infertilitysucks #ivfjourney #instaivf #fertilitytreatment #melbourneivf #australia #ivfcouple #ivf2019 #pregnant #ivfpregnancy #ivfsuccess #pcospregnancy#earlypregnancy #instaivf #fertilitytreatment #melbourneivf #australia #ivfcouple #ivf2019 #ivfsupport #frozenembryotransfer #FET #progesterone #possiblemiscarriage #ivfscan