Image post

Rounding out Teaching Image Tuesday with pregnancy hormones. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced after a fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus. Detecting hCG is the basis of all pregnancy tests. hCG concentration typically peaks between 8 to 10 weeks gestation and can vary in range. What organ produces hCG? . . . . . #pregnancy #hcghormone #earlypregnancy #humanchorionicgonadotropin #obgyn #obstetrics #obstetricsandgynecology #pastudent #physicianassisstants #prepa #physicianassistant #physicianassisstantschool #futurepa #pastudents #physicianassisstantstudent #nursepractitioner #nursingstudent #nursingschool #medschool #medicalschool #premed #medstudent #FOAMed #MedEd