Day 89 - 12.10.19 Tuesday ... Thoughtful Kiddo! 💜 Arrived to school today and found this absolute adorable wonderfulness on my desk from such a thoughtful and generous student of mine - how precious is this elephant onesie? And with the kind writings to go with it! 😍 It made my entire day before it even began. I am thankful for my student's beautiful heart and time to do this for me and our wittle one. . . . It was a long day with still being sick - stuffiness and cough battles all day but made it through! I can't wait to fall asleep tonight. 😴 . . . #IUI #IUIjourney #iuiSuccess #preggers #pregnancy #earlyPregnancy #pregnant #14WeeksPregnant #infertilitysucks #infertility #babydust #ttcCommunity #ttc #ttcSupport #love #stayStrong #babyClothes #twoMoms #babyGift #specialMoment #thankful #grateful #delightfulness #teacherLife #pregnantTeacher