Day 85 - 11.6.19 Friday... My First Cold While Pregnant - Warning: I am a wimp at being sick! 😪 🤧 I am so very bitter right now. I tried my darndest to NOT GET SICK! I know, I'm a teacher, it is inevitable but I made it for 5 months without being sick this year. . . Big fat sigh . . . I felt this evolving cold since about 3pm this afternoon. I started sneezing, had sniffles, and my throat started getting sore. I ate dinner and drank water hoping to help it subside but NOPE. Fell asleep on the couch only to wake up to an even more SORE THROAT! 🤬 I can handle body aches, sneezing, runny nose, even puking but SORE THROATS ARE THE WORST. I loathe them so much. 😫 And Whit has been dealing with stuffy head, sore throat and cough for two days. She got meds from the doctor yesterday but even though she doesn't feel well she just ran to the store to get me Benadryl, cough drops, vitamin C, and Cran-raspberry juice (two medicine on my pregnancy approval chart from our ObGyn). Seriously, she is the best wife on the planet. 😔 I pray they will work. If anything happens to this little precious one in my womb, I don't know what I'll do... I am worried that taking anything is going to jeopardize everything... Ugh. I'm so upset. I've got to stay positive and focus on good vibes and good health. Sigh... . . . #pregnancy #earlyPregnancy #14WeeksPregnant #preggers #pregnantWithACold #sickAndPregnant #IUIjourney #infertilitysucks #infertility #iuiSuccess #iui #twoMoms #bestWife #rainbowBaby #coldSeason #love #believe