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Day 83 - 12.4.19 Wednesday 💜 What are some of the particular things your kid(s) prefer/expect? 🙃 - Whit: How do you want your grilled cheese cut? - Jess (and Whit in mocking unison): In triangles! - Both giggle. - Whit (smirking): Our kid is going to be so picky. - Jess (playful tone): No, well maybe... but if we always cut sandwiches in triangles they'll never know different until they notice someone who doesn't! Oooo, or what if we just cut sandwiches different all the time so the kid never has set expectations?! - Whit laughing at Jess. - Jess: Let's try it out, please cut one of my grilled cheese as lines! Let's see how it goes. - So, Whit (being the best wife and cook) cut Jess' sandwiches artfully! 😆 Lol, and Jess' verdict is that the line cutting is better because it is less crust on two pieces! So, maybe our kid will be picky. 🤣 . . . #dayDreaming #rainbowBaby #pregnancyJourney #pregnant #pregnancy #preggers #earlyPregnancy #lesbianparents #13WeeksPregnant #twoMoms #LGBTmommies #gayparents #iuiSuccess #IUIjourney #iui #infertilitysucks #infertility #babydust #ttcCommunity #ttcSupport #ttc #believe #love #parentingChats