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Today has been super tough for me. I have stayed in bed most of the day, and napped most of the day. Im so lucky that my boyfriend was home today to look after our two children, as i just couldn't cope. I felt extremely tired, i could barely stay awake. I had no energy to get up from the sofa, i felt sick and had a headache. I am hardly eating or drinking, which i know is really bad - but my appetite has just completely gone, and i cannot stand the smell of most things. I'm honestly worried about tomorrow as he goes back to work, and I'm alone to sort the children. 😪 This pregnancy has definitely been my toughest so far, and I'm hoping, as i near the second trimester, symptoms will ease off, and i will feel better! 🤞🏻🙏🏻 #pregnancy #pregnancysymptoms #9weekspregnant #firsttrimester #pregnant #duein2020 #mumtobe2020 #babydue2020 #earlypregnancy #3rdbaby #mumsofinstagram #parentblogger #motherhood