In this season of giving thanks, I reflect back to this time last year. (The full story is on my Facebook page. Follow the link in my bio to read. Who knew Instagram had a word limit lol). THANKFUL: My Miracle Baby November 20, 2018: I found out I was pregnant. I was so happy and over the moon that my prayers were answered. November 21, 2018: My husband and I announced to our family & friends that I was pregnant. You can see some of their reactions here https://youtu.be/H0-RqosSEDc We enjoyed sharing the news with our family and basked in the joyful-ness that we would soon be starting a family of our own. Fast forward to a few days later... November 26, 2018: I was experiencing some intense pain in my side while walking, this lasted for a few days. I mentioned the pain to my mom and asked her if she thought it was normal. She did not think it was normal, and advised me to go to the ER. I went to the ER, I explained to the Dr. that I recently found out that I was pregnant and I described my pain... Keep in mind, I haven’t had my first prenatal visit yet, so the Dr. takes a urine test to verify that I am in fact pregnant. After, verifying that I am pregnant, the tech does an ultrasound to see if she can see the baby in my uterus. She does not see the baby. The Dr. orders a trans-vaginal ultra sound. Still no embryo... The entire time the scan is going on, the tech doing the scan made no eye contact with me. I’m trying to read their face, their vibe... anything... I just want to know that everything is okay... but I’m uneasy and a nervous wreck because I am not being assured that everything is ok. Once the scan ends, the person taking the scan says I’m going to bring these to the Dr.; he will be in shortly. That’s it? I think... Tell me something. Shortly after, the Dr. comes in. He ask me if I know what a tubal pregnancy is... I say I do... He starts to explain it... I’m trying to hold my composure, but I can not. I break down in tears... Follow the link in bio to continue reading.