12 Weeks...we made it, kid. Tomorrow turns 13 weeks. We will officially be through the first trimester. . This is the longest I have been pregnant. . This is the longest I have worried (thus far) consistently in my life. . This is the longest I've gotten to daydream and imagine the LIFE and LOVE of our child. . And as I am over the moon excited, I can't help but think of everything that may go wrong. I push down the fear and focus on the positivity... but I wish I could see and hear our baby every day or at least once a week for peace of mind. I wonder if this residing anxiousness is some type of post-traumatic stress disorder from having past miscarriages? But I know that so many people have these feelings even without experiencing any pregnancy loss. I don't know... sigh. One day at a time. One healthy choice at a time. . . . Precariousness, Like a storm cloud shadow looms, Protect our baby. 💫 [JEM] . . . #IUI #IUIjourney #iuiSuccess #preggers #pregnancy #earlyPregnancy #believe #12weeksPregnant #love #pregnancyJourney #loveislove #rainbowBaby #stayStrong #pregnant #pregnancyWorry #PregnancyPlusApp @pregnancyplus_app