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Chicken bouillon, or, as it is also known: "The only food Cindy can keep down." Another rough day with Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy (NVP). I am #7weeks5dayspregnant and feeling pretty gross most of the day, but if it means the little Popsicle is doing well in there, I guess I will allow it. 💕🤢😓 . . #invitrofertilization #ivf #infertile #ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #ivfgotthis #ivficsi #icsi #pgs #ivfpgs #infertilitysucks #infertilityjourney #infertilitywarrior #unexplainedinfertility #ivfsisters #noshameininfertility #pgsnormal #frozenembryotransfer #fet #ivfpregnancy #fetpregnancy #embryo #ivfsuccess #ivfearlypregnancy #earlypregnancy #nvp #morningsickness #nauseaandvomitingofpregnancy #gillishreskid