
#IVF update - I am 6w6d pregnant today, after a single frozen embryo transfer of a 5AA PGS-normal embryo. Today was my first ultrasound, which confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy, yolk sac and tiny embryo seen. CRL (crown rump length) was 6.9 mm, which is exactly what it should be on 6w6d. Cardiac activity was flickering away, though I didn't get the actual rate. (It looked much faster than 100 bpm, which is good.) . . I'm officially measuring "further along" than I have ever been before. (My first pregnancy was lost at 8w4d, but it never measured beyond 5w5d due to the trisomy 22 it had.) . . I am happy and grateful for science and modern medicine. Next ultrasound is Dec 5th, when I will be 9 weeks 1 day pregnant. If all looks good then, I will be released from my Reproductive Endocrinologist to my regular OB. . . #invitrofertilization #ivf #infertile #ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #invitro #ivfgotthis #ivficsi #pgta #pgs #ivfpgs #infertilitysucks #infertilityjourney #infertilitywarrior #unexplainedinfertility #ivfsisters #noshameininfertility #pgsnormal #frozenembryotransfer #fet #ivfpregnancy #fetpregnancy #embryo #ivfsuccess #ivfearlypregnancy #earlypregnancy #gillishreskid #6w6dpregnant