Day 64 - 11.15.19 Friday. . . We know! 😁 We know the sex of our baby! So bizarre to actually know the biological factor of our unborn child but pretty darn cool! My wife guessed correctly before we watched the video. I agreed with her... I had a feeling the first 3 weeks after we found out we were preggers. Then, my intuition started changing but the past few days I flipped back. Lol. . . 😍 I don't think we will tell the world if it is a boy or girl until we have the official ultrasound identification as well... but maybe we will! :: shrug :: The sex of our babe doesn't really matter. Healthy and happy are what matter. I'm just so excited!!! It is such a neat feeling to imagine all the possibilities of the future for our little one! . . . #IUI #IUIjourney #pregnancy #infertilitysucks #infertility #babydust #ttcCommunity #ttcsupport #ttc #pregnancy #earlypregnancy #twoMoms #rainbowBaby #love #pregnancyJourney #gayparents #lesbianparents #11weeksPregnant #preggers #iuiSuccess