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Yesterday i had my first midwife appointment for baby #3! It was a very long appointment (1 hour!) and i have met my new Midwife! I am a little gutted, as i have had the same Midwife with my previous two children, so it feels odd to have a different one! But my new Midwife is very lovely! So I'm happy! 😁 We went through my details, medical history etc yesterday, and discussed my two previous pregnancies and births. I had Pre - Eclampsia with both of my previous children, so they will be monitoring me more, and also, i have had two emergency sections, and two inductions, so that was discussed also! They have also taken my bloods to scan for various things (that was the worst part of the appointment!) I will also have a blood test at 16 weeks to confirm the baby's blood type, as i am Rhesus Negative, and would require Anti D injections! All in all, it was a lovely appointment, and things feel more real! My next appointment will be at 16 weeks! πŸ€°πŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ» #babynumber3 #pregnancy #pregnancysymptoms #6weekspregnant #firsttrimester #pregnant #duein2020 #mumtobe2020 #babydue2020 #earlypregnancy #3rdbaby #mumsofinstagram #parentblogger #motherhood #midwife #midwifeappointment #preeclampsia #preeclampsiasurvivor #rhesusnegative #csections