The thing about pregnancy following infertility and multiple miscarriages is you know how much work it took to get to this point. The stakes feel higher. The anxiety is so intense at points that you can’t breathe. Every twinge is terrifying. Every hour you don’t feel queasy or your boobs don’t hurt makes you worry. You go to the loo and check for blood every time you need to wee. This is anxiety after infertility and/or Babyloss. And it’s ok to not feel ok. Of course you are excited this happened but it’s still adding more anxiety into existing stress. This is a 5 week scan. Who knows if it will ever get bigger but it’s there. If you’re going through this tell yourself every day that you will get through this. You’re not being ‘silly’ and no amount of being told to ‘just relax’ is helpful. You are anxious for a reason and that reason is valid. Going to see someone to speak about your feelings can be really helpful. For those in the UK contacting your local EPU can also help give peace of mind and reassurance scans if you feel you need them. And remember, you are not alone ❤️ #babyloss #pregnancyafterloss #earlypregnancy #pregnancy #pregnancyafterinfertility #pregnant #5weekspregnant