Considering early pregnancy care? The first trimester is a challenging time for the fetus and the mother. The fetus is maturing quickly and your body is starting to adapt to its pregnant state. London Gynaecology’s Early Pregnancy Care Package is designed to give you the confidence, support and guidance you need in this period. We undertake the all important first trimester fetal checks as well as checking the mother’s well-being too. Our consultants are here to answer your concerns and, with our scanning facility, are able to check on the baby regularly and as needed. For more information, see our website. #pregnancy #pregnant #earlypregnancy #expecting #mumtobe #firsttrimester #trimester #harmony #scan #pregnancyscan #duedate #baby #babies #ontheway #pregnancyjourney #expectingparents #parents #antenatal #pregnancycare #pregnancysupport #obsgyn #mother #mothertobe #mumsnet #support #wellness #wellbeing #women #womenshealth #gynaecology