Morning sickness! I remember it well 🤢 Every day this week I will post a morning sickness remedy. They may not get rid of it totally (they might though!) but they will help you deal with it. You can do this! 💪🏻 Today’s is blood sugar. Don’t let it get low, ever! That means not having an empty stomach. Eat BEFORE you get hungry so at least every 2 hours. Carry snacks with you (especially protein ones like nuts and seeds, with dried fruit if you fancy) so you don’t get caught short. Also you can try a protein and healthy fat based snack just before bed to ensure your levels don’t get too low overnight. Yoghurt, nuts and nut butter on oatcakes are good options. Try not to eat carbs on their own as this makes your blood sugar go all over the place. Proteins and healthy fats with your carbs will help keep it stable. Come back tomorrow for another one! . . . . . #morningsickness #morningsicknessrelief #earlypregnancy #firsttrimester #mumtobe #momtobe #prenatalnutrition #eatingfortwo #growingababy #pregnancyhormones #prenatalhealth #pregnancywellbeing #prenatalwellbeing #nourishtoflourish #wellbeing #wellness #nutritionaltherapy #foodismedicine #natureknowsbest #nutritionandlifestylemedicine #discoveryunder5K #ladiesinbusiness #womeninbusiness #mumsinbusiness #foresthill #se23 #selfemployed #smallbusiness #womensmallbusinessmonth