✨ SENSITIVE ✨ We have been keeping a secret. In the midst of sorting out IVF funding and moaning about not being on the list we found out that we are pregnant! Naturally! Apparantly I just needed that pesky tube removed! Our initial excitement was short lived when I ended up in a&e being checked for an ectopic pregnancy. We still don’t have an answer but my hcg levels are on the up. Hopefully tomorrow we will get an answer at our scan. Fingers crossed for some good news. I am absolutely terrified that we will get the news we dread and this will be over before it has even begun. So so hopeful I am proved wrong 🤞🏻 #ttcuk #infertility #pregnant #ectopicpregnancy #earlypregnancysymptoms #earlypregnancy #5weekspregnant #nhs