Day 44 - 10.27.19 Saturday . . . Fresh fruit is the best! And a fresh cut pear is like heaven! Had some yummy pears tonight with dinner. We had an enjoyable afternoon into the night with my parents, stepsisters, their husbands, and their little ones! Got to meet our new nephew for the first time, precious lil' chill dude. Plus, we all had our furbabies as well - 8 adults, 3 kids (+1 growing), and 4 dogs. 💜 Big happy family, for sure! . . . My stepsister ("K") brought an entire truckload of baby clothes and a few other baby items! It was awesomely overwhelming - it was really neat to have so much choice, like free shopping! We ended up with 4 bags of a starting wardrobe for our kiddo! So many of the clothes also came from the hand-me-downs of my other stepsister ("A"). We have a lot of gender-neutral options but quite a few stereotypical girl pieces... 🤷♀️ . . . Lately, I've had this strong vibe that we will have a girl but I oddly don't like choosing the fun "girlie" stuff because I believe so strongly in allowing our kiddo to form their own style and identity. But that is WHY we will dress our kiddo in a variety of styles, and as they grow older, keep letting them make choices to evolve in what makes them most comfortable. That is the beauty of watching a child grow into their own. . . . Nonetheless, we are simply grateful for my family's generosity and support. We have good people in our lives. Quite blessed, for sure! . . . Little clothes, big dreams, Imagining memories That are yet to be. 🤗 [JEM] . . . #IUI #IUIjourney #stayStrong #infertilitysucks #infertility #babydust #ttcCommunity #ttcSupport #ttc #pregnancy #earlyPregnancy #twoMoms #rainbowBaby #Pregnant #pregnancyJourney #love #loveislove #lesbianparents #gayparents #SameSexCouple #8WeeksPregnant #believe