Day 42 - 10.24.19 Thursday - 8 Weeks! 🙌 Today, we are 8 weeks pregnant 💖 - I woke up so happy knowing this. Blissful, really! The other two times we got close to this point in pregnancy I had started spotting, we never had an ultrasound, and the pregnancy test lines were fading... I tear up remember that heartbreak; My miscarriages, although they were most likely chemical pregnancies, they still gave the possibility of real baby in our lives. 😢 . . . And I'm probably more teary now, this time, because I felt the implantation, I've felt the daily growing twinges, actually gotten to SEE our little tot on a screen and HEAR their heartbeat. So now, more than ever before, I'm so attached and in love with a little being I've yet to meet. 🤗 . . . My wife and I have been calling seedling-tot our "little dinosaur" this week because of the precious visual (on the right) that @pregnancyplus_app displays. 😍 Cool to know the umbilical cord is growing, eyes are growing, feet and hands are sprouting, bones are getting thicker! But still so teeny tiny! . . . And on the left, The Ovia Pregnancy App gives fun details. I'm already overweight, so seeing my belly grow is NOT really a thing, sadly. However, I have noticed that sucking in my tummy is not as easy - takes more effort. In addition, my appetite has increased a bit. I definitely have to keep that in check! I lost 35lbs to be a healthy vessel for this kid - I don't want to undo that, especially when my calorie intake does NOT need to increase until third trimester. Even then, only by 200 calories. The "eating for two" is a myth and I need to focus on the balance. I've yet to start going for daily walks! Need to stop slackin'! . . . Happy and grounded, Trusting in my body now, Relish in the growth. [JEM] . . . #IUI #IUIjourney #believe #infertilitysucks #infertility #babydust #ttcCommunity #ttcSupport #ttc #pregnancy #earlyPregnancy #twoMoms #rainbowBaby #loveislove #pregnancyJourney #love #happiness #gayparents #lesbianparents #pregnant #pregnancy #preggers