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My HCG levels went from 17 last week to 788 yesterday. That’s a crazy jump. Honestly, when my doctor called me, I wasn’t expecting it to be so high. The progesterone is working along with a lot of prayer from myself and everyone around me. My first ultrasound is November 6th. I will be 8 weeks at that point so we should hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. This all seems surreal. If you are tired of the baby posts already, it’s probably gonna be a long time before I post about much else. I honestly have given up everything for this pregnancy. I haven’t worked out in over a month because I feel like it’s best at this time. When I say I’m doing everything in my power to will this child to existence, I mean it. #hcglevels #earlypregnancy #5weeks #inmonthtwo