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Bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy is fairly common (40-50% of pregnancies) and can cause worry and concern for women. In many of these cases, reassurance is given by an ultrasound scan to show the developing baby. Unexplained bleeding in early pregnancy may be due to the developing embryo implanting within the uterine lining or hormonal changes. If you’re in any doubt at all however, please speak to your GP. ⁠ ⁠ #spotting #bleeding #earlypregnancy #spottinginearlypregnancy #pregnancyspotting #bleedinginearlypregnancy #bleedinginpregnancy #pregnancybleeding #pregnancy #pregnant #expecting #mumtobe #mothertobe #worry #concern #ultrasound #hormones #women #pregnantwomen #healthypregnancy #health #womenshealth #london #gynaecology #londongynaecology