There are 6 key pregnancy hormones. Consultant Gynaecologist Pradnya Pisal outlines what they are and what they all do: 🔸HCG’s only function is supporting the corpus luteum. 🔸Oestrogen prepares the uterine lining for the implantation of the embryo. It is helpful in preventing miscarriage, and acts as a catalyst for chemical changes for growth, development and energy in the baby. It steps up blood circulation and regulates the production of other key hormones, as well as promoting breast engorgement in early pregnancy and regulating bone density. 🔸Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for the implantation of the embryo, suppresses maternal response to fatal antigens and prevents the rejection of trophoblast. It maintains quiescence of the uterine muscle and is helpful in preventing miscarriage and pre-term labour. It also encourages breast tissue growth. 🔸Relaxin prepares the uterine lining for the implantation of the embryo. It aids uterine growth and accommodation and the control of myometrial activity to prevent preterm labour, and cervical ripening and the facilitation of labour. It is also important in reducing insulin resistance. 🔸Oxytocin stimulates the ripening of the cervix, leading to successive dilation during labour. Along with other hormones, it causes the release of prostaglandins, which play an important role in the ripening of the cervix. It also aids bonding with the baby. 🔸Prolactin starts in early pregnancy and there is a sustained rise until the third trimester and postnatally. #pregnancy #pregnant #newmum #newmother #motherhood #newborn #mum #women #health #womenshealth #london #londongynaecology #gynaecology #pregnancyhormones #HCG #oestrogen #estrogen #oestrogeninpregnancy #progesterone #relaxin #oxytocin #prolactin #miscarriage #bonedensity #earlypregnancy #firsttrimester #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #baby #motherandbaby