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BABY’S DUE DATE 👶 . . . Today I visited my family doctor to discuss the positive pregnancy tests! She completed a test of her own and instantly it came back positive, even before the test could finish. She sent me for bloodwork and provided me a requisition for a 6 week ultrasound. Due to my complications with Kate, she has referred me to my OBGYN, requesting full care as well as sent a referral to my hematologist, who keeps track and maintain my blood levels. She also confirmed the baby’s due date 👶 . . . The baby is due June 12th, 2020 👶 . . I am excited to see my HCG levels and will let you know as soon as I find out but today, I’m feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with emotions - happiness, anxiety, joy, and love ✨ All week I have been so focused on staying calm and relaxing as much as I can. Unfortunately, the responsibilities have caught up to me and I am feeling beyond overwhelmed ✨ but I am trying to remember what’s important and have been practicing deep breathing and mediation to get back to a resting state ✨ I am going to do whatever I can to ensure a healthy pregnancy 🤰 . . . #pregnant #earlypregnancy #4weekspregnant #bfp #positivetest #positivepregnancytest #babyonitsway #june2020 #familyblog #welcometoourworld #growingalicandros #baby #littlebaby #mama #mynameismama #motherhood #pregnancy #pregnancyjourney